All Candidates Meeting Rules, Audience Rules & Schedule for Harrison Hot Springs 2024
Aug 26, 2024

- Event Date: Thursday, September 5th
- Event Time: 7-9pm; Doors Open at 6:30pm. Candidates to Arrive No Later than 6:40pm.
- Click Here for Event Details
- Click Here to Submit Your Questions
- Click Here to Volunteer for the Event
The following rules have been established to ensure a fair, respectful, and informative All Candidates Meeting hosted by the Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce. These guidelines are designed to maintain a non-partisan atmosphere and allow each candidate to present their platform in a professional manner. Please note that these rules are subject to change without notice, and any adjustments will be communicated to the candidates either via email or during the pre-event briefing.
- Substitutes: Substitutes or stand-ins for the candidate will not be allowed.
- Non-partisan atmosphere & campaign materials: To preserve a non-partisan atmosphere during the meeting, campaign banners, signs or other campaign paraphernalia will only be allowed in designated areas. Candidates will be provided with a table to display materials and are asked to bring a small lawn sign to display on the stage in front of the place they are seated.
- Arrival time: Candidates should arrive no later than 20 minutes before the meeting starts in order to review last-minute details, draw speaking order, review of the format and for microphone instructions or adjustments.
- Respect the moderator: A moderator will conduct the meeting and has the responsibility to interrupt the proceedings to enforce the ground rules and format. Candidates must respect the authority of the moderator.
- Courteous & professional tone: Candidates are expected to speak with a courteous and professional tone, and are only permitted to speak when it is their turn. Candidates must also refrain from making any sounds or gestures that may be considered distracting while others are speaking. Failure to behave appropriately will result in a warning. Continued infractions may result in removal of that candidate from participation in the meeting. No other substitute will be permitted.
- Meeting – not debate. No rebuttals: The Harrison Agassiz Chamber of Commerce wishes to hold an All Candidates Meeting that provides a fair and safe space intended for you to share your platform and answer pre-vetted questions from the community; personal attacks, accusations, finger pointing or attacking of another’s campaign/platform will NOT be permitted.
- 2-Minute Answers: Responses will be limited to a 2-minute maximum. A timekeeper will keep track of the time allotted to candidates as they speak. The timekeeper will hold up signs “60 seconds left” and “30 seconds left”. A bell will be used to indicate time is up.
- Questions pre-submitted: Questions from the community were screened in advance by community volunteers on the Questions Selection Committee and are questions that can be asked of all candidates. Questions from the audience will not be accepted. They will only be asked by the moderator. Candidates will not be privy to the questions in advance of the event.
- Photography, Videography & Live Streaming Release: The event will be streamed live online via Facebook, and recorded for posting to the Chamber’s social media channels, website & marketing materials. Photography will be taken at the event for use in the Chamber’s communications online and in print. By accepting the invitation to participate in this event, the candidates & audience grant their permission for the Chamber to stream, record, and post the content of this event.
- Non-partisan atmosphere & campaign materials: To preserve a non-partisan atmosphere during the meeting, campaign banners, signs or other campaign paraphernalia are not permitted in the meeting hall.
- Respect the moderator: A moderator will conduct the meeting and has the responsibility to interrupt the proceedings to enforce the ground rules and format. Candidates and audience members must respect the authority of the moderator.
- Only pre-submitted questions approved by the volunteers on the Question Selection Committee will be asked: The floor will not be open for audience questions.
- Distracting sounds & gestures not permitted: All are expected to be courteous and refrain from making any sounds or gestures that may be considered distracting while others are speaking. Failure to behave appropriately will result in a warning. Continued infractions will result in that person(s) being asked to leave the meeting.
- Any signs of agreement or disagreement must be brief and quiet: Sounds and gestures to show agreement or disagreement (i.e. clapping) are permitted however they must be very brief/kept to a minimum so as not to cut into the time the candidates have and must only happen when the candidates are not speaking. If it becomes disruptive the moderator reserves the right to ask the audience to refrain from certain behaviours.
- Photography, Videography & Live Streaming Release: The event will be streamed live online via Facebook, and recorded for posting to the Chamber’s social media channels, website & marketing materials. Photography will be taken at the event for use in the Chamber’s communications online and in print. By accepting the invitation to participate in this event, the candidates & audience grant their permission for the Chamber to stream, record, and post the content of this event.
All-Candidates Meeting Schedule
A well-run meeting will have a defined schedule which is known by all in attendance.
The schedule is meant to ensure that all candidates have equal time and that expectations for conduct are understood and followed by all involved.
6:30 Doors open
6:40 Candidates present themselves to the moderator. Order of speaking is drawn and rotation order is established. Rules of conduct and procedures reviewed.
7:00 Call to order. Audience welcome, Sts’ailes land acknowledgement, reviews the focus/purpose of the event. The moderator introduces themselves and states their neutrality, reviews the event format, timelines, and outlines procedures for expectations (and consequences) for conduct.
7:10 Moderator introduces candidates in alphabetical order.
7:15 Candidates make opening statements and platform introductions (3 minutes maximum each) in order they were drawn.
7:40 Question & Answer Period: Pre-submitted/vetted questions read by moderator. Each candidate is given 2 minutes maximum to answer.
8:47 Candidates closing remarks, 1-minute maximum each.
8:55 Moderator’s closing remarks
9:00 Adjourn.
Should you have any questions about the event or if any further clarifications are required, please reach out to [email protected] or contact us on social media.